Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr



Advertising Design and Communication Department 3rd year student Muhammed Enes Tanır wrote on "Miscommunication".

Communication; It is the process that enables individuals to express themselves, to have conversations with each other, to compromise and to convince each other. Communication; It is the process of transferring one's feelings, excitement or skills to the buyer by any method. Communication is one of the most basic skills of people. The communication process is essentially a two-way action aimed at creating and sharing meaning. If the communication is strong, the message sent is understood by the receiver in a similar sense without losing meaning. Mankind owes its progress from the beginning of history to the present to communication. Undoubtedly, if people did not succeed in developing communication with each other, they would not be able to maintain their lives together as a society, produce something together, share what they produce, and benefit from the knowledge and skills of other people.
Communication, which has been developing since the first ages, has shown great progress in our age with the advancement of technology. Advances in communication have placed the concept of non-communication in our modern society. Lack of communication is called the situations in which communication does not occur even if all processes for communication take place. There are various reasons for the miscommunication problem between the sender and the receiver. The first of these is the "noise" factor. Noise is caused by the cultural differences of the sender, the inappropriateness of the channel, the bias between the destination and the source, the emergence of a physical barrier during communication. Other factors that cause miscommunication are as follows: avoidance of dialogue, reluctance towards the person or subject to be communicated, anger, prejudice, lack of empathy...
In our age, it is seen that the necessary importance is not given to the communication phenomenon. With the effect of developing technology, people find themselves in a constant change in our age. In such a situation, it has become more valuable than ever for people to be able to mutually understand each other clearly. The feeling of loneliness and depression that people experience today has become more common than in the last century. Today, it is seen that individuals cannot communicate despite numerous communication opportunities. As a result, it causes the individual to experience the feeling of loneliness more in the crowd. Today, people can meet and correspond with people they do not know through smartphones and computers, but they still feel lonely. The fact that people are constantly busy with mass media has caused a virtual life to take the place of reality. The rapid progress in our age alienates the individual from the society in which he lives. An individual who is alienated from himself, his relatives and the environment he lives in cannot maintain a healthy relationship because he cannot use the basic principles of communication. Although the individual uses communication tools, he may experience various conflicts and frictions with his environment and people. As a result, he experiences various mental and physiological problems.
It is known that the individual is mostly in a state of lack of communication with himself, and the inability to establish a dialogue with himself alienates the individual from himself and makes him unable to recognize his feelings. For an effective communication, the individual must first be at peace with himself.
Good communication takes place through effective speaking and effective listening. While we want to be understood, we must also pay attention to understanding. Because communication is two-way. Many misunderstandings, communication breakdowns or conflicts are seen due to wrong speaking and listening.
The individual uses body language excessively, mostly unconsciously, in his daily life throughout his life. However, he cannot control his body as much as he wants. Our body reacts a lot to events. It is often not possible for us to hide our true feelings and thoughts in our body language. The better a person uses body language, gestures and facial expressions in communication, the less communication problems he has with the other party. Having a clear body language and a happy facial expression will give confidence and sincerity to both the individual and the other person. This will create a positive energy in communication. Positive energy will create a more sincere and lively atmosphere in communication. One of the most important parts of body language is eye contact. Establishing good eye contact in conversations gives more confidence to the other person.
It's not just my words, body language, gestures, and facial expressions when we communicate with the individual in our mix. It also allows us to communicate effectively with our tone of voice and emphasize our message.
In order to establish a healthy communication, we must learn to use the mass media, which are more and more in our lives every day, and we should not let these means of communication control our lives. Being a prisoner of communication tools that make our lives easier can make us more lonely. For this reason, the control of communication tools should always be in the individual.
Another important aspect in communication is empathy. By putting himself in someone else's shoes, it will become an opportunity for the individual to know himself better and raise his awareness. The individual who knows himself and raises awareness can easily adapt to the current situation. In order to empathize, it is necessary to know that the individual with whom we are communicating also has an existence, that they have different value judgments and thoughts from ours, and that this should be accepted. Based on this acceptance, we should not judge the person in front of us with stereotypical thoughts, we should strive to understand his situation. Responding to possible criticisms from the other side with empathy will enable us to communicate in a healthier way.
Muhammed Enes Tanir
Advertising Design and Communication Department
3rd Year Student

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